What is a good permit to work PTW system?

A robust Permit to Work (PTW) system can significantly enhance a company's safety management practices, streamline permit processes, and optimize overall workflow. When selecting a PTW system, key considerations include:


The system should seamlessly integrate with your company's existing infrastructure to avoid disruptions and ensure data consistency.

Risk Identification and Management

The system should effectively identify potential hazards and provide actionable data to support proactive risk management.

User Experience

The PTW system should be intuitive and easy to use for all relevant roles, from safety managers to frontline workers like contractors.

Multilingual system

Sshould be a multilingual software system.

Training and Support

A reputable software vendor will offer comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure optimal system utilization.

Improve Efficiency

Streamline the permit approval process, reducing delays and improving productivity.

Foster Compliance

Ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Enable Data-Driven Decision Making

Collect and analyze data on permit issuance, incidents, and near-misses to identify trends and inform risk management strategies

Customization or configuration

The system should be flexible enough to accommodate your company's specific safety procedures and workflows.

Mobile Accessibility

Ensure that the system can be accessed on mobile devices to support remote work and field operations.


The system should be able to accommodate future growth and changes in your business.


Robust security measures are essential to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

By carefully evaluating these factors and selecting a PTW system that aligns with your organization's needs, you can significantly improve safety performance, enhance efficiency, and drive overall business success. The WPS PTW permit to work system provides your company with all of these areas